03 October 2017

Filing Federal Taxes Using Pay Check Stub

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Filing Federal Taxes Using Pay Check Stub

Normally the employer of your office will issue you W-2 form for filing taxes each year. It is mandatory for salaried employee that the employer should provide him or her with W-2 form giving all the particulars of the deducted tax. The employer should also send a copy of the W-2 form to the social security office which in turn notifies the I.R.S. about your earnings. Sometimes, the employer might not send you the copy of the form or it may have lost in transit. Even the employer might have neglected to give you the form. In such circumstances, you can file the taxes using the last updated pay check stub given to you.
Before filing the taxes, you should call the Internal Revenue Service office and inform that you have not yet received the W-2 form. They will ask your particulars and your employer's particulars. You can comfortably file the returns using the last paycheck issued to you. Download form 1040 and 4852 from internet. Log on to the website of IRS and there you can print out the form using the links. Fill up the details such as your name, social security number, your employer name and address and your employer's identification number. Next you can enter the gross pay as shown in the last paycheck given to you. Usually the check stub contains the year end pay particulars in it. Follow the same and enter the amount in the respective columns in Form 4852. Further you can also find out from the paycheck the amount of tax deducted from your salary. Find out the amount of deductions for the year such as pension contribution, Medicare contribution and more.
You can fill up any other taxable income received by you from second employer, if any, in the respective column. Also indicate the income obtained from other sources such as stocks, shares, rental income, and royalty. Calculate the gross income and subtract the deductions to obtain the net income. You can also attach a separate sheet indicating that you have not been provided with W-2 form from the employer. Complete the form and send it to the IRS center. If necessary, you can attach a copy of the pay check stub along with the completed form before mailing.
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