03 October 2017

Trip-slip-fall Advisement

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Trip-slip-fall Advisement

You would be forgiven for assuming that a trip/slip/fall injury is never really overly serious. When considering such an injury it is instantaneous for most people to picture a wince and a semi-furious knee-rubbing, followed by a stoic, red faced perusal of the cereal isle. The fact of the matter is though that trip/slip/falls occur with levels of severity that leave victims with lifelong disablements. Follow this article in order to become au fait with the maximization of trip/slip/fall compensation.

Firstly it is all important that immediate medical attention is sought if you have been involved in a trip/slip/fall personal injury. If it has happened on a business premises then you need to inform a person that works there so that you can get them to record the injury in their log-book. The more official documentation the better as it will mean that the case that you have for making a claim is a solid case. Also there will be medical evidence of your injury made in the hospital so again there is even more evidence that serves only to act in your favour.

The next thing that needs to be carried out is the photographing of the scene where the trip/slip/fall occurred. This is going to count as invaluable evidence. Now the chances of the evidence that caused you a pratfall being there should it have occurred in some sort of supermarket or otherwise, is relatively slim. You still need to be sagacious and gather such evidence though, because a professional may be able to construe something within photographic evidence that a non jurisprudence-litigation-type will almost certainly not. (Be able to construe)

Once all the aforementioned has been carried out, it is then important to sit down and write up a detailed account of the occurrence, starting with what happened leading up to the event, including what the actual injury entailed, and finally detailing what happened subsequent to actually becoming injured. The earlier you do this the better as it means that your account will be as accurate as possible, trying to remember what happened months after the event will only serve to cause conflictions between how you remember the event and what actually happened.

Once all of this vital stuff has been put in place, it is time to go about the procurement of legal help. The injured person will need to consult a solicitor, adhering to stringent premise. For instance the solicitor must have had experience of dealing with a personal injury case previously. The prior experience means that they will come prepared to the aid of the injured person, and be able to draw on past experiences in order to make sure that everything is done in an appropriate manner. It is equally important that the solicitor has been to court before. If the defence team finds out that the claimant's solicitor has not been to court, then they are far more likely to go to court, expecting to win. With an experienced solicitor they are likely to settle out of court, from fear of not wanting to upset their client by costing them a great deal in legal fees, and also because they will want to avoid the negative publicity that comes as a result of losing a court battle.
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