17 October 2017

What To Do If You're 55 And Not Rich Yet

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Most people in affluent countries aim to retire somewhere between 55 and 65, but what if you've reached 55 and your investment portfolio isn't up to scratch, or perhaps is non-existent. It can all start to appear overwhelming. What is the best way to start getting into financial shape?

Firstly realize that you are not alone in your plight. The statistics for the wealthy countries of the world tell us that, despite the wealth of opportunity, over 90% of retired people cannot financially support the quality of lifestyle that they would really like. In fact around 80% of retired people require some form of family or government assistance in order to support themselves at all.

If you've hit, or are around about, that 55 mark and you look like you are on track for becoming another financial statistic then it is time to get serious about creating some decent wealth for the coming years.

Serving you up platitudes or meaningless words of encouragement would not be doing you any favors, so I will be blunt throughout this article. My intention is not to offend you but to present some important realities that you have to address if you want to improve your situation.

As this is a major issue that effects so many people in our society I intend writing a series of articles aimed at helping you change you plight. In this article I will give a brief overview of the five key points that I think you need to address immediately. In future articles I will discuss specific issues in more depth.

These five key points are about changes that you will need to make in your life. Remember that doing the same things that you've always done and expecting the results to be completely different is a form of madness. In your situation such madness is a luxury that you cannot afford.

Key Point 1: You have to get rid of some bad money habits

The truth is that anyone who is serious about getting rich can achieve that goal in 10 years or less. If you think that sounds like a tall order then remember that Bill Gates became a billionaire by age thirty and since then a number of people have become billionaires even faster and younger than that. You won't need to acquire even 1% of a billion dollars in order to retire in comfort, so believe me that 10 years is plenty of time.

The offshoot of that is that if you have reached 55 and are not rich then you have a lot of bad money habits that need to change (if you didn't you'd already be rich). It is crucial to identify what those bad habits are and change them as soon as possible.

Key Point 2: You need to learn and establish some good money habits

By the same logic used in Point 1 you will also have to develop some new good money habits. Ideally these are habits that will help you earn more, spend less, and invest more.

Key Point 3: You need to change your belief system on money

This will almost certainly be the most important change that you will need to make if you are going to become wealthy within the time frame that you have. People tend to get what they expect and believe in, so it is time that you asked yourself which of your beliefs on money and wealth are no longer serving you and your goal to become wealthy.

Key Point 4: You need to change your time management

Becoming rich will require some of your time and by this stage of life you probably have some well established time habits that will need reviewing in order to free up the time you need to provide financially for the future. Don't worry though because becoming wealthy is a lot of fun; which is why billionaires still work even though they clearly don't need to.

Key Point 5: You need to get some good money education

You need to learn how to achieve a lot more financially in the next 5 to 10 years than you achieved in total over the last 35 to 40 years. Clearly this will require some special education.

While you can get some basic pointers for free, the education that you will need will have to be bought and paid for just like the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the car you drive and the house you live in. It's a fact of life so face the facts and get on with it.

Please keep an eye out for future articles that will address the above issues, and related issues in more detail. An excellent way for you to start your education would be by reading my ebook on creating massive success in your life, see details below."
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