17 October 2017

Top Ten Currency Traders In The Forex Market

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Top Ten Currency Traders In The Forex Market

When people think of trading in a market, with investments, they think of the stock market. While they think of people buying, selling, or trading stocks, they never think of people buying, selling, and trading currency. When people hear of a dollar or currency going up and down, or gaining and losing against another currency, they are hearing of the results of the forex market. The forex market is the foreign exchange market, where banks, other entities and other people buy and sell currency on a huge market. The 24 hour a weekday market is really three major markets; the US market, the UK market, and the Asian market. All of these markets work together to allow these companies and individuals to trade the currencies to make the most on their investments. While there are tons of organizations and individuals that trade daily, there are many powerhouses that control a majority of the trading. The top ten traders fall under three major categories; the US, the UK, and other countries. United States TradersThe United States easily is the most dominant player on the forex market. While the United States only has one trader in the top five forex market traders (Citi at the #3 spot with 9 percent of the trading volume), it follows with 4 of the five that round out the bottom 10 (Bank of America at number 6, Goldman Sachs at number 8, JP Morgan at number 9, and Morgan Stanley at number 10). Between the give forex market traders it has atop the top 10, the United States holds over 24% of the daily trading volume.United Kingdom TradersThe United Kingdom is also another major player on the forex market. Much like The United States, the United Kingdom also has a major trading centrality in London. The United Kingdom, in the top ten, has approximately 22% of the daily trading volume. The United Kingdom has three major players in the forex top ten, including the Royal Bank of Scotland at number 4, Barclays Capital at number 5, and HSBC at number 7.Traders from Other Countries The United States and United Kingdom hold positions 3 through 10 on the forex top currency traders list. While this may make it seem as though the other countries in the world do not have a large effect on the forex market, do not be fooled; Germany holds the top spot in the forex traders list, and Switzerland holds the second spot on the forex list. These two companies make up over 36% of the daily total volume of the forex trading market. Deutsch Bank of Germany holds over 21% of the daily trading volume, and UBS AG of Switzerland holds nearly 15% of the daily trading volume. All of the companies on the forex market are not only trading for their customers, but are trading for themselves, with every part involved attempting to make money on their investments.
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