03 October 2017

Some Retarded Money Saving Tips People Actually Do

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Some Retarded Money Saving Tips People Actually Do

Due to global crises, every individual is trying to save money wherever he can. However, sometimes, people cross the limit. Here is a list of money saving tips or things people actually do to pocket few dollars.

Sleeping in the airport

Going on vacation with a budget is good. However, don?t limit yourself too much that you go to the airport to sleep every night. Though there is no harm in doing this, it's definitely a strange but innovative way to save money. Hence, if you don?t mind people looking at you all night, this is certainly a cheap way to spend a night.

And people are actually doing it. If you can imagine this, they also take their families to the airport. Of course, one cannot leave their kids wandering on lonely streets in some unknown country.

Making some weird cat food at home

Is it you or the cat that's being frugal? Cat food isn?t too expensive. However, people say, it can exceed your budget, if your cat eats more than you. This idea is supported by many websites that offer various recipes to prepare cat food at home. However, it can definitely prove to be a healthy food for your cat, if that's what your intention is, because you saving the poor animal from harmful factory ingredients mainly responsibly for their diseases.

Skipping meals on Monday

Food definitely takes up a big chunk of your budget. But if you stop eating once a week, you save a lot of money eventually; around one seventh of you food expense. But why Monday? It is because people believe they are already loopy and irritated, which is also the effect if they skip a lunch. Hence, instead of being irritated twice a day, merge it.

Make a sweater using dog hair

This money saving tip is for people with pets especially dogs. Along with providing a thick sweater in winter days, the dog sweater you knitted can also be an income for you. There is actually a book that teaches you how to knit with dog hair. I knew there were insane people around the world.

One plus One Toilet Papers

Toilet paper is a dirty cost involved in every individual's life. And one cannot escape this cost except he has found some very natural ways to clean up the mess. But few people manage to save a whooping amount of $10 per year. Are you still wondering how? Simple. Separate the layers of toilet paper. Yes, it definitely takes 9 hours per day to do separate the layers, roll it back, and glue the ones that were torn during the operation.
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