11 October 2017

Purchasing Motor Trade Insurance

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Purchasing Motor Trade Insurance

The increasing number of vehicles on the road has led to many road accidents, as well as thefts of vehicles. Nothing can be done regarding the loss of a life, but many of the firms are providing coverage for the damages caused to the vehicle or the goods in transit. So it is essential for a person to get their vehicle insured. Purchasing motor trade insurance helps a person in getting cover for their vehicle in case of any kind of accident, theft or damage caused to the vehicle. A person who wants to purchase a motor trade insurance policy has many choices, as a number of policies are available with many companies, which depend on the circumstances and the extent of coverage required.

Motor trade insurance policies can be categorised into two types, one being a combined policy and the other one being road risk. In addition to this, there are several options provided to the customer, if they are interested in having them. The additional options available being business disruption, transported goods, engineering inspection, and sales displays. For the UK, a Motor Trade Insurance Policy covers any public liabilities as well as road risk.

The first type of motor trade insurance is a combined policy, in which the person gets to have nearly everything covered by the policy, including goods in transit, tools and machinery. These kinds of policies provide maximum protection as well as cover to the customer, and are generally the most costly among all the motor trade insurance policies. A combined policy also covers repairs and road risks, and is also in accordance with the place where the goods are being delivered, as the goods may be delivered to a place that involves high risks such as any kind of demolition site or chemical plant.

The second type of Motor Trade Insurance is ?road risk?, which is also considered to be third party insurance. This type of insurance is taken by a customer if there is no need for a cover, so this policy is helpful to meet the minimum legal requirement of keeping the vehicle insured or covered. In the case of an accident, the customer would not be liable to get any cover for any kind of damages or losses caused to the vehicle or the goods in transit. Moreover, the coverage would be only for the other party to whom the damage has been caused.

Apart from taking the motor trade insurance, one must also be fully informed regarding the limits and exclusions of the policy. As at the time of taking the coverage, problems may arise or they may crop up in the future, and every time a policy is used against the damages, the premium of the policy is affected. In addition to this, the company should be made aware if in any case the vehicle goes out of the country for the delivery of goods, as it may change or may require some additional formalities. So motor trade insurance policies should be taken, but before that one must evaluate the extent to which the policy is required.
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