02 October 2017

Ownership Is Not A Must

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Ownership Is Not A Must

If you are someone who does not own a property and you are in need of money you probably hate when lenders say that you need to be a homeowner in order to get low rates and high loan amounts or approval with bad credit. However, there are some lenders willing to approve loans on good terms even if you are not a homeowner. Learn what non-homeowner loans are and what their benefits are.

You may wonder if it is really so important to be a homeowner and what are the benefits that ownership provides when looking for finance. The answer to these questions is rather simple: Having a property implies for the lender that you have enough assets to guarantee the loan and even if you choose to apply for an unsecured loan, it still provides the lender with security because if he has to resort to legal means to recover his money, he knows you have assets to cover your debt.

Nevertheless, those legal means are far too complicated and expensive. Thus, lenders focus on the applicant's credit report and income/debt ratio when deciding whether to approve or not a personal loan. That's the reason why we can say that ownership is not an unavoidable requirement and that non-homeowner loans are widely available even for those with a less than perfect credit as long as their income allows them to afford the monthly payments.

Loans For Non-Homeowners

These loans are unsecured and specially meant for tenants though any non-homeowner can access them without problems. The main advantage of this kind of loan is its flexibility due to being designed for tenants which have a wide range of needs and incomes; you can find non-homeowner loans fit for every budget.

Interest Rate

The interest rate charged for this kind of loan is just a bit higher than secured personal loans. The difference is so insignificant that many homeowners apply for these loans too in order to avoid the risk of repossession and sleep with ease knowing their assets are safe. Also, the interest rate comes in two shapes: A variable interest rate which is always the lowest rate and a fixed interest rate which is a bit higher but stays unmodified over the whole life of the loan.

Other Characteristics

These loans also present certain flexibility when it comes to loan term. Since the needs of tenants are different and the loan term is closely related to the amount of the monthly installments, in order to keep them affordable the loan term can be easily modified and extended to keep the monthly payments as low as possible.

The loan amount is variable too; you can request almost any loan amount depending only on your credit score. Someone with a good credit score can get as much money with a non-homeowner loan as with a secured loan. A bad credit score will however, limit your ability to get large loan amounts due to the risk involved for the lender in such transactions.
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