17 October 2017

Obama Scholarships For Mothers: Money For College

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Obama Scholarships For Mothers: Money For College

Taking advantage of educational opportunities is a smart way to be successful. Since his campaign to become President, Barack Obama has made education a key issue. One major part of the effort is to make available to students more free money for college.
Expenses like college tuition and housing grow even as the economy suffers. Tuition and housing costs often far exceed scholarship offers. Many young adults choose to forgo college because of the cost. Working, single mothers are particularly hit hard. Educating women and single moms is important to increase the workforce and help provide for children and families. Creating college grants for moms is one way the President is dealing with this issue. Because of his efforts many people now refer to Federal Pell Grants as Obama grants. These grants award a student over $5,000 to go to college. This is over $1,000 above the previous maximum, and it's a big help to moms who want to return to school. The scholarship money covers practically all school-related expenses.
Another incentive to consider is the American Opportunity Tax Credit. Under this incentive program, education costs up to $4,000 are cleared. The $4,000 grant is especially great for low-income students. Since many single working mothers have low incomes, these programs are a major help. Study options are wide open. Moms and students of all kinds can go to school with a little less to worry about.

Obama's efforts to improve education show that he takes this issue seriously. With some changes to the lending system, many graduate and undergraduate loans will be less costly. The administration is also focusing on improving the performance of schools at all levels. There is also emphasis on encouraging more students to consider community college. A 2-year degree or the time spent learning a technical school from a community college can be a tremendous asset.
In 2007 Obama stated, "We need to put a college education within reach of every American. That's the best investment we can make in our future." The President has shown a good effort to support his words through action. Even though Obama's grants for moms get much attention they are certainly not the only important opportunity being offered. Traditional and non-traditional students alike have numerous opportunities to put their education first.
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