04 October 2017

Low Income Loans For Those With Limited Earnings

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Low Income Loans For Those With Limited Earnings

Those with a limited income usually have problems when searching for finance. This lack of proper funding implies a lot of strain for people's financial life and can have negative consequences on people's credit too. Low income loans are designed to help people with limited earnings cope with these problems and obtain all the funding that they need.

What Are The Limitations Of Low Income?

The lender is worried about repayment which is absolutely understandable. A low income implies that your earnings are not enough for facing daily expenses plus a high amount loan and thus, the lender cannot provide you with the funding that you need. Also, a low income makes it more likely for the applicant to default on a loan at any given time and that increases the risk for the lender which in turn may trigger a loan application decline or an increase on the interest rate charged. Summing up, a low income will imply that you will not normally be able to obtain high loan amounts and low or even reasonably competitive interest rates.

Low Income Loans: The Solution

As usual there are no magic solutions to these problems. You will not be able to obtain a huge loan amount with a low income loan but you may be able to get a higher loan amount than the one you would get with a regular personal loan. This is due to the fact that these loans are specially designed for those with low income and the loan terms have been customized to meet their budget.

The idea is quite simple: The lender extends the repayment program as far as possible according to the loan type: unsecured low income personal loans can feature repayment programs of 5 to 10 years while secured low income personal loans can show repayment schedules lasting 25 years, 30 years or even more. By extending the repayment program the resulting monthly payments are reduced thus letting a low income applicant afford them without difficulties or sacrifices.

Proof Of Income: Unavoidable Requirement?

Proof of income is a requirement for approval on all loan applications, but, to what extent? Truth is that when you apply for a loan one of the requirements to get approved is to show proof that you have an income. However, stated income loans let you define the amount of income you count with without actually showing proof of the amount. Nevertheless, you will still need to show that you receive some sort of earnings.

For those who are employed this means of course showing copies of wage or paycheck receipts. But when it comes to those who are self employed, the situation gets more difficult. Unless you have a previous relationship with the financial institution (if you are an old client, there may be some waivers on these requirements), you will need to show copies of your tax presentations and payments to prove that you obtain a monthly income suitable for affording the payments on your low income loan. Else, you will not be able to get approved for a low income loan or any other loan type for that matter.
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