17 October 2017

How Not To Have More Money

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How Not To Have More Money

Making more money will not translate to having more if all you do is spend on your lifestyle.

Have you ever wondered why you had more money while you were a student than you do now you are working and earning more money than ever before?

I recall a function I attended with a friend over the weekend. It was a surprise birthday party organised by the celebrant's partner. The number of people present was just right, not too many people, so it was easy to chat with everyone, after introducing oneself off course.

We talked about everything, growing old, getting married, the rising level of crime in the UK and jobs to name few. What caught my attention during the many discussions we had was the comment made by the celebrant's partner. She wanted to look for another job so she could have more money.

On hearing those words, I thought to myself, thinking if that wasn?t what she said before she got her current job. I know I have - am sure you have too - thought the same in the past, ?Making more money will mean having more?. You think this is logical, but reality is the more you earn, the more you tend to spend, leading you to your original position of not having enough.

Apart from my internal mumbling, I found myself noticing the different electronics and gadgets in her flat. She had a video iPod, plasma screen TV, satellite system, Bose sound system, she also had a flashy car outside. Not difficult to see why she didn?t have any money.

The sad fact is many people are in this situation, making a lot of money but also spending a lot on the latest gadget money can buy. It reminded me of a guy we used to make fun of while at university. This chap drove a nice car to university, but he never once had money to buy fuel in the car, the car was always running on empty.

It is a misconception to think the more you earn the more you can spend. Regardless of how high your salary is, if you keep spending, then you will always be without money, needing to make more. A vicious cycle if you will.

Making more money and having more money are two different things. It you wish to have more you have to learn to spend less than you make.
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