13 October 2017

Forex Trading System That Works - This One Is Free And Makes Huge Profits!

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Forex Trading System That Works - This One Is Free And Makes Huge Profits!

If you are looking for a Forex trading system that works, you don't need to buy one, you can get one for free which has been making money for over 25 years and you can use it right now for bigger Forex profits. Let's take a look at the system and how it works in more detail...

This system is free but will beat all the cheap Forex robots you see sold online for one simple reason - its made money and unlike the vast majority of cheap hundred dollar robots it doesn't just produce paper simulations going backwards, knowing the closing prices - its made real dollars and its done so for a quarter of a century.

The system we will look at has made gains since the late seventies and has been used by some of the world's top traders and is still very popular today with traders serious about making money in Forex. The system was devised by a trading legend Richard Donchian, whose work on channel analysis and trend following is essential reading. His simple system only has one rule and its this:

Buy a new breakout to a 4 week high, then hold the position. Simply wait for a 4 week low to be hit and reverse to a short position then, keep keying off new 4 week highs and lows as there hit.

You couldn't get a simpler system but all the best trading systems are but that doesn't mean they don't make money, try this one and you will see it makes huge profits long term and it will never go out of date because it's based on logic that will never go out of date and the logic is:

Forex markets trend long term and these big trends, last for weeks, months or longer and it's also a fact that these big trends always start and continue from breakouts so this system is based on sound and easy to understand logic.

It does take discipline to follow, as you will have periods when markets don't trend but if you stick with this long term system it works and will always work.

If you are looking for a Forex trading system that works, take a look at the system above its called the 4 Week Rule and you can use it in around 15 minutes a day to seek long term currency trading success.
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