11 October 2017

Economic Recession In America-where Do We Go From Here?

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Economic Recession In America-where Do We Go From Here?

I think we can all agree the economy is getting worse. The Government does want to use the word recession but we are not all stupid we are already in one. The Government is just sitting there watching it happen with no real answer for the American people.

Let's take a look at this for a moment.

The dollar is free falling into being worthless around the world and here in the US. Inflation is skyrocketing every week it seems. Gas prices are at an all time high along with everything else and paychecks are not going up to keep up with the rising cost of living. So I guess things are not too bad if you enjoy being broke.

Basically things are going to get much worse before they start getting any better. The little stimulus package is definitely not going to work. It is a short sighted solution just to pacify the American people. Although I won?t complain I'll take the money. The federal Reserve is too busy bailing out big financial institutions. Thanks Washington that really helps. The housing market is going to take years to rebound along with the economy.

I was watching the Charlie Rose show the other day and the guest was a former Secretary of State and what he was saying was and I quote 'social Security will be bankrupt in 10 years.? I know people who work for Social Security and it is already struggling to keep up, it probably won?t even last 10 years. The system is paying out more money than it is bringing in. This is business 101 you don?t spend more than you make you go broke, no business would last. Unfortunately this is what our Government has been doing for years and we will be left with a broken down system.

So just think the cost of living is skyrocketing the social systems will be broke. Where does that leave us, in a real bad situation. I know it all sounds pessimistic but it is the truth. I think we all need to face that truth and start doing something about it. It is time to be proactive not reactive. By the time you become reactive it may be too late.

The real question now is what do you do about your financial situation? Well you can?t rely on the Government because they are to busy trying to hold on to their power and prestige which is also fading. You are now going to have to fend for yourself and take care of your own financial fitness.
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