05 October 2017

Debt Settlement-making Your Finances More Organized

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Debt Settlement-making Your Finances More Organized

You can opt for debt settlement if debt consolidation has failed to make you debt free. Debt settlement also referred to as debt arbitration or debt negotiation works differently as compared to a debt consolidation program.

A debt consolidation program requires you to make a minimum monthly payment. It may be the case that you are not being able to make payments and you fall behind on payments again and drop out of the consolidation program.

Debt settlement may be the answer to your current financial distress. Debt settlement works in a different manner as compared to debt consolidation. If you hire the services of a company rendering debt relief to debtors, you become debt free within a very short time period. An efficient debt settlement company can reduce your debt by 50% to 60%. The debt settlement company works on your behalf and negotiates with the creditors for reduced interest rate, lower monthly payment.

How debt settlement works?
The debt settlement company whose services you have hired will urge you to save some money every month. This can be done either in your own bank account or in the holding account of the debt settlement company. Once you have accumulated approximately 50% to 60% of the outstanding balance, the settlement company starts negotiating with the creditors. In few cases, the creditors may not approve of the debt settlement request but majority of the creditors agree to do so.

Once the deal has been agreed upon, the debt settlement company starts paying off the creditors. There are certain aspects that need to be kept in mind. It is very important to keep a track of your money. Whether you save it in your bank account or in the holding account of the debt settlement company, you should check that the money is being paid off to the creditors.

Drawbacks of debt settlement
Several instances have been reported when the debt settlement company delays making payments to the creditors. It should also be kept in mind that the credit score of a debtor drops to a considerable extent during the period when he does not make payments to the creditors. So, the sooner you start paying back the creditors, the better it is from the credit score point of view.

Benefits of debt settlement
There are several advantages of debt settlement. You do not receive harassing calls from the collection agencies or the creditors. Finally you become debt free within a very short time period. Simultaneously, you credit score also improves if you are able to make regular payments. The main benefit of debt settlement is the reduction of the loan amount. Thereafter, the outstanding balance that needs to be paid is done so as per a reduced rate of interest. The repayment time is also stretched so that it becomes convenient for the debtor to pay back the debt amount.
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