11 October 2017

Credit Cards ? Use Them To Their Best Ability!

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Credit Cards ? Use Them To Their Best Ability!

When you think of all the things your wages pay out for, from your water, gas and electricity to your clothes, food and phone bill, there is little surprise that it is common we begin to stress ourselves out when it comes to annual payments such as car insurance and council tax.

Would it not be a real benefit if we could get a deal like you can for so many other things, first month half price, don?t pay any interest until 3 months down the line, etc etc, Well actually? you can!

When people worried about finances think of Credit Cards, the most common of reactions is to back away and use anything but credit. This does not always have to be the case. It can be difficult for us to imagine getting nothing but benefit out of a credit card with all of the horror stories of debt and bad credit roaming the newspapers and television every week, but it truly is possible.

If you do feel confident in your self discipline and think that you can stick to your monthly repayments then why not purchase your car insurance (or similar) on a clean credit card and pay monthly? You can pay as little as ?10 a month if you can find a good deal, with offers of no interest and low APR all over the market. You also get the added benefit that if you want to pay a larger sum off one month you simply pay it into the account. You have much fewer ?rules? when it comes to how much you pay into the bills, meaning you have a larger control over the purchase.

If you choose to do this, it is wise to only purchase one large product on the card. If you begin adding a little here and there, the benefit will quickly disappear and you will be left with a ?normal? credit card and be more tempted to spend money you don?t have.

Once the payment has cleared, cancel the account. Then, if you need to use this method again, you can take advantage of all the new customer additions and welcome offers! If you are careful not to fall into the temptation of credit, it can buy you time and lift bills off you shoulders.
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