04 October 2017

Auto Insurance Specialists - Are Auto Insurance Specialists A Thing Of The Past?

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Auto Insurance Specialists - Are Auto Insurance Specialists A Thing Of The Past?

Auto insurance specialists used to e exactly what their title implied, specialists. They knew the car insurance industry inside and out and could find deals on a policy that the average consumer had no shot of getting. They were paid well for this service and everyone made out in the end.

Now people are skipping the specialists and shopping for vehicle insurance without any help at all. The auto insurance specialists are sitting in their offices waiting for the phone to ring while the car insurance buying public is finding low cost insurance online in record numbers.

Buying your car insurance policy is a great deal for everyone except the auto insurance specialist. The insurance company saves money by being able to sell you a policy directly. The specialist was a middle man of sorts who got paid to match you up with an insurance company. Now that they are cut out of the picture the car insurance company saves a little money and the consumer saves a little bit of money as well.

The reason you can do anything an auto insurance specialist can do is that the Internet allows you to access all the same information that used to be available only to the insurance agent. You can get multiple quotes in minutes online and see exactly what each car insurance policy costs. This makes it very simple to compare car insurance quotes and has, in effect, made everyone an auto insurance specialist.

The broker will argue that they can still find you a better deal than you can find by yourself, but we recommend asking him to prove it. Check into a few policies online and then ask your auto insurance specialist to get you a quote from those same car insurance companies. You may be surprised at who found the better deals.
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