13 October 2017

Are You Both The Top Insurance Agent And An Agent Specialist?

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Are You Both The Top Insurance Agent And An Agent Specialist?

When most people think an insurance sales specialist, what comes to mind is usually an expert professional who has mastered a certain area of insurance knowledge. But there's a lot more to being an insurance sales specialist than just the basics.

Everyone, including all types of prospects prefer to buy from a top insurance agent specialist. One of the hardest steps is determining what type of insurance agent specialist you would like to an expert at. Rather than changing everything, and starting over, start with what you are familiar with..

DETERMINE YOUR INSURANCE AGENT SPECIALTY Examine and assess thoroughly your entire product line of available products. Next, establish by looking at your past sales the one product you are most successful at. In addition clarify that this insurance plan is the one you are most comfortable selling. For example, say your product chosen was major medical insurance. That in turn establishes you client base would be individuals single and divorced, self-employed workers, families without coverage, college students, etc. You now become a major medical health insurance specialist.

Go ahead and repeat "health insurance agent specialist" over and over for the next week until you become comfortable and proud saying it.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN SELLING INSURANCE? If you started December 28th 2004 and now it is 2008, your would finger count the calendar years. That makes you a 5-year major medical insurance specialist. Focus 90% of your efforts on only this one product. That way you will not only be a top insurance agent specialist but an expert, which is an unbeatable combination.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place. The information about insurance sales specialist presented here will teach you something new, you truly are an expert. Once the pieces are properly put together the top is not that unreachable.

POINT YOURSELF IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Realize that being a specialist is financial rewarding only if your have designed a plan with goal. No matter how good an insurance specialist you really are, with prospects to sell your can not move forward. First, you must find three companies that sell your specialty product. Of these, two should have top rate plans, and the third a lower cost alternative. Then enters the decision-making on how much you are willing to spend to make say $5,000 a month.

GET OUT THE CALCULATOR A top insurance agent cannot be afraid to spend money if they are certain they can turn that into a much higher profit. Start out planning to spend $2,500 up front if you are serious. The renting of the prospect list is the maker of breaker of your future. Expect to spend up to $500.00 on the 5,000-prospect list. A good consumer list would be homeowners, ages 35 to 50, working in a self-employed job, and living within zip codes of many middle class neighborhoods. Now get in touch with a printing/mailing shop that can take your carefully worded oversize postcard and send it out on four different drop rates for $2,000.

PROSPECTS TO SEE Your replies on a poorly written postcard sent to too wide a diverse group of people on a standard size card could be as low as 40. It the list selections were super and the large postcard covered the major points with an enticing flair, it might mean 100 responses. If you closed one in 4 on 100 leads, with commissions of $650 each that would be $16,250. minus your $2,500 on lead acquisition and $1,750 on gas, meals etc. Your initial $2,500 netted you a clear $12,000. To reach your $60,000 annual income goal, your insurance specialist skills must make 125 sales. Not bad, try making that as a jack of all policies.

NO WASTED PROSPECTING Insurance sales specialists should spend almost all their time selling and virtually none trying to find willing people to talk with. Prospecting is a minimum wage to $10.00 an hour job that many people could perform better than you.

What caliber are you pushing for? Always to just squeeze by or consistently building your income. Too avoid prospecting you must pay out at least $12,500 in the short run. But bringing in $72,500 and netting $60,000 will get you some nice additional same client sales and respectable renewals as a bonus.

Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of an insurance sales specialist. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next higher to the top level.
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