04 October 2017

A Contractor Accountant is Worth Every Penny.

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A Contractor Accountant is Worth Every Penny.

Sometimes you get this overwhelming urge to go it alone. To leave the security of the corporate world and make your own way by contracting. Just think, no more office politics, no more corporate values. Just you and your skills making a living in this world. Exciting stuff.
The best things about contracting are the freedom and the variety of projects you get to work on. The downsides? Well there is the uncertainty for starters. A bit of a shock if you are used to a steady pay cheque every month. Then there's the small matter of dealing with your own taxes. Contractor tax can be a complex animal. You're not an accountant and you are busy enough completing your projects that you work on. So how best to manage this thorny issue? By getting a contractor accountant.
If won't cost you that much and believe me it will be worth every penny. Firstly because of the amount of time it will save. You don't want to spend precious evenings and weekends sorting out your contractor tax. You might not even do it accurately. Which could incur fines from the HMRC.
Then there's the specialist knowledge that a contractor accountant brings to the table. Do you really know the ins and outs of what you can and can't offset against tax? A good accountant does. They can make sure you don't over pay and only pay the tax that is due, taking full advantage of the legitimate ways open to you of shielding your hard earned income from tax. That's quite a return on such a small investment and outlay.
If you aren't sure where to start then try Sagen Accounting. Their expert team can work with you to get you the most accurate and advantageous outcome on your tax return.
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