Unemployment We all understand that some of our hard earned dollars go to those who aren't earning any dollars at all. Regardless of your political opinion on the matter, a fact that individuals of any political party typically aren't aware of is that, the percentage removed from your income each year in the form of taxes for unemployment varies with that unemployment rate! So, as you've probably guessed, they've been on the high end lately.
Prisons Not only is the job of a cop a dangerous one, it's actually low paying. And possibly getting lower. Some tax professionals have guessed that, eventually more of our tax dollars will go to funding prison's than to police! My friend's husband is a cop and, his salary keeps dropping so low, my friend is having to teach extra and extra singing lessons! She's sort of shocked by it because every always told her becoming a voice coach was a bad move financially, since those in the field of art and theater tend to struggle to make ends meet. Yet here she is, bringing home the bread by teaching kids how to sing. And then you have her husband who is struggling financially, yet puts his life in danger daily.
Government Loans How do you like that? You pay for interest. That's right, for money nobody even gets to use. But, the government has to borrow money to solve its problems, right? Well, maybe. However, that is a question of a more political nature.
Tax Collectors This fact will just make you wish you could drop your tax payment right off in the White House's mailbox! Some of that money you cough up goes towards collecting that exact same money. These poor professionals are already so unpopular just because of what their job entails. Combine that with the fact that you're funding their paycheck.
Preparing Taxes This is not something your actual tax dollars go towards, but it's just a fun (our foul) fact. Americans spend $27.7 billion per year simply preparing their taxes. The idea of underling an audit frightens us into spending copious amounts of money.
Retired Military You know you're funding the war in Iraq. But did you also know you're funding the life of any living soldier who ever served in any war for the U.S. Yup. Within that "military" category that 54% of your taxes pay for is included military no longer in service.
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