06 June 2016

Some Pros And Cons Of Owning Real Estate

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Some Pros And Cons Of Owning Real Estate

Pro: It goes up.
While other investments tend to fluctuate, real estate, especially in desirable areas, usually becomes more and more valuable. One thing that remains true of this country is that our population is steadily growing. Eventually, all of those millions of people are going to need places to live.

Con: It goes down.
Just as nothing is completely certain, whether your real estate will be as profitable as you'd like depends on a variety of factors. Find out what you can about the area you're buying in'scout out local businesses and talk to your potential neighbors. What good things are happening in your area? Are there aspects that worry you? Make a list. Also consider how long you want to be there. While flipping is possible, most of the time you need to be patient before your home sells for the amount you'd like.

Pro: Your monthly payment is fixed.
Aside from taxes, which fluctuate every year, your monthly payment will usually be fixed. This means no landlords raising rent and no trying to calculate your changing home budget. In addition, your mortgage company will make all this painfully easy for you to pay on time, and most mortgage companies have convenient ways to pay online.

Con: Your taxes can go up.
If taxes in your neighborhood rise, that's a good sign your property value is rising too. Sit tight and be patient?the taxes are usually going to schools and roads and funds that will profit the community. If you can afford to pay them, then by the time you sell your home, the value of it will be high and your neighborhood well worth living in (or moving from, as the case may be.)

Pro: Tax benefits.
There are many tax benefits you can gain from owning a home. You can deduct most repairs, mortgage interests, and taxes. Talk with your accountant about these options, and save all your receipts from anything having to do with your home.

Con: You can be foreclosed on.
In the event you can no longer afford your property, the government can seize your home. Foreclosures are rare, however, and can be avoided by proper budgeting and by paying attention to your mortgage statement. If there is anything you are confused about, most mortgage companies offer friendly and helpful advice. After all, they have an interest in your interest, too.

Pro: You can actually enjoy and use your real estate investment.
Unlike cars, which depreciate with wear, and stocks, which you can?t ever see or play with, your home can be a secure and enjoyable investment if you choose to live in it. You can tear down walls and paint the trim loud colors. You can open up ceilings and put a Jacuzzi in your master bath. You can sit on your new cedar deck in the mornings and watch the birds come flocking to your yard. You can make it messy or tidy it up. It's yours.

Con: Owning a house is not always easy.
Owning a home can be difficult at times. You might need to rewire a switch or replace a door knob. You'll need to keep up your yard and regularly maintain your appliances so they last longer. Keep a list of handymen handy, and every now and then check your roof, trees, and plumbing. Keep some money in the bank in case something does happen that insurance won?t completely cover. Monitor your property carefully, and it will be worth your while when (or if) it's time to sell.
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