02 September 2017

Business Banking Online In Australia. Seven Handy Tips.

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Business Banking Online In Australia. Seven Handy Tips.

Nowadays, no business, big, small or in between, gives a second thought about doing banking online. What used to take hours and days of entering and posting into cumbersome ledgers can be done in a tenth of the time, with a lot less staff. Tedious numerical tasks and manual payroll reconciliations have long gone, replaced by the swift click of a mouse and keyboard strokes. Would we ever go back to the old way of banking? Not a chance.

Online transactions are more convenient

You can bank in your time, not when the bank branch opens for business. Check your finances on a daily basis or plan ahead, that's the beauty of access - 24-hours a day, 7 days a week access. Pay bills, monitor balances, make transfers between accounts and even integrate your account with other business software applications. Best of all there are no bank queues.

Free yourself from fees

No one likes paying fees, especially for business accounts. Typically online accounts charge lower fees or none at all for making deposits, transactions or paying bills. By using the internet, you can manage your money and make it work hard for you. The trick is to search around and select the best type of online account for your needs.

Put business payments on auto pilot

Banking online brings a great range of efficiencies to the working day, not to mention adding more interest to your bottom line. Once you set up regular automated payments, it can free up your time and your staff to concentrate on building business, improving output and morale.

Relationship discounts add up

There's a lot of competition for your money today, especially for business customers. Consolidate your banking with one lender and bingo, you'll be rewarded. What's more, your personal banking can also benefit from a business relationship, with home and personal loan interest rate discounts, term deposit bonuses, savings account fee waivers and credit card annual fee waivers.

Losing interest in your money?

Many online accounts offer surprisingly good interest rates. Some are better than term deposits and your money isn?t locked away for months on end. Search around and see what you can find.

Online accounts give term deposits a run for their money.

When businesses had some extra cash flow or funds, the immediate answer was to drop them into a term deposit for up to a year. Forget that. With the boom in online savings accounts, think differently. You can get a huge range of benefits, pay no fees and have easy access to funds.

Many banks offer these accounts, but one that caught my eye was the ING Direct Business Bank Account. It can help you make the most of your money. There's a high variable interest rate, no fixed term, plus no minimum deposit or balance either. Well worth a look.

Doing business with another time zone?

International trade and payment transactions can now be made online, saving even more time in your working day. You don?t have to wait for the other person or company to be open for business on the other side of the world.

For the banks, time really is money. But through technology you can make the benefits of online banking work in your favor to increase productivity and expand your business opportunities.

Who knows, if you're dreaming of an early retirement it could well be on the horizon.
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