02 January 2017

Liquid Natural Gas Investment Beats Oil Prices And Risks

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Liquid Natural Gas Investment Beats Oil Prices And Risks

If you're thinking of investing in oil-why not consider liquid natural gas (LNG)?

Oil is running out. Oil prices are rising fast. Extracting oil from other sources is possible. But LNG is a growing cleaner source of energy that looks worth investing in right now. Compared to oil, the world still possesses huge natural gas reserves .

The rising cost of oil is making natural gas sales much more appealing - in many oil fields the gas is simply burnt off into the atmosphere as a waste product. That is 2.5 TRILLION tons per year which could be bringing in revenue and providing energy.

Developing countries like Nigeria and Bolivia are becoming particularly aware of this. And they are forging links with big multinational companies who can provide infrastructure

Already, natural gas use is climbing. Liquid natural gas trade is growing much faster than oil trade. And so are natural gas prices, from two to three years ago. The changeover to greater natural gas use is just beginning!

Natural gas is clean burning and easily liquefied by cooling down to 1/600 of its bulk as a gas, and then becomes easily transportable as LNG via insulated pipeline or tanker.

Already, North Americas own gas is running out or too expensive. However it plans to buy in from abroad. The U.S. is already on track to be the biggest LNG consumer in the world by the end of 2010.

According to some analysts, within five years, LNG imports to the United States could provide the country with as much as 16 percent of its natural gas, up from just 3 percent today.

Once the really more efficient liquid natural gas technology really comes online, that means the equivalent of an extra 1.7 billion barrels of oil per year!

Up until recently, trapping natural gas, converting it to LNG, and transporting it has not been economic compared to oil extraction. But the US government has looked, and is backing LNG initiatives. Suddenly giant energy companies like Shell Oil, and ExxonMobil Corp are ready to invest $250 billion into the future of LNG and lock in trade deals with countries rich in cheap gas, like Quatar where the largest natural gas fields in the world lie.

Liquid natural gas is not environmentally popular in the West at present. There are worries about its environmental impact and capacity for explosion. However this is likely to change fast. Supporters argue the fact a LNG spillage,(unlike an oil slick) simply dissipates into the air .

The cold LNG is kept under much lower pressures than natural gas, so the problems and dangers of high pressure pumping and release are largely removed. Terminals can be built in remote areas away from population centers.

The safety record of LNG transportation is much better than that of oil; insurance premiums won?t inflate costs.

Natural gas can also be used to power electricity power plants. The U.S., Europe, China, and India are all desperate for more oil and electricity. Estimates say that by 2025, we will have to use twice as much as we do now. Fuelling power plants with LNG will provide cheap electricity for years to come. Does this suggest a good investment?

Especially over the next 2 or 3 years as LNG demand triples?

Check out LNG now!
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