07 July 2016

Individual Health Insurance In Texas Is Lacking

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Individual Health Insurance In Texas Is Lacking

Texas is one of the unhealthiest states in the country, nationally it is ranked as the 12th unhealthiest state. The surveys were distributed to millions of people across the United States and they were asked to fill them out honestly and return them. Based on the 21 factors that people were ranked on such as exercise, smoking, sexually transmitted diseases, immunization, seat belts, teenage birth rate and many other factors. The survey had a mix of positive and negative factors in order to keep the rankings fair. One of the biggest reasons why the number was so low for Texas was because of the lack of health insurance and more specifically the individual health insurance in Texas.

They have the highest number of uninsured people in the country, which is one of the contributing factors as to why Texas was ranked so low. If people has individual health insurance in Texas they would be less likely to skip vital doctors appointments each year to make sure people are healthy. The worst part about the lack of insurance is that many of the children in Texas are uninsured according to the 2006 census. There has also been a recent jump in the number of sexually transmitted diseases in recent years. This can be directly attributed to people not getting checked out by their doctors, this goes especially for AIDS diagnoses because if people don?t know they don?t have AIDS they can?t prevent the spread of it, which is only through abstinence or using a condom.

One of the ways that people can make this state healthier is by purchasing individual health insurance in Texas. Individual health insurance cannot only be made affordable but it also can help make Texas an all around more healthy state. By purchasing individual health insurance in Texas, individuals will be able to get yearly doctor's appointments to make sure they are healthy as well as insure many children who otherwise would not be insured.

Also, what many people don?t know is that there are government sponsored health insurance companies who can insure children who otherwise couldn?t be covered by their parents, because Texas has one of the highest rates the Texas government is doing what they can in order to make this state more healthy for not only adults but also children. If they don?t step up and begin to insure children they may end up being responsible for the sicknesses of children due to lack of immunization to infectious diseases. This is the last thing that our country needs right now and it is the job of members of the Lone Star State to step up and purchase insurance.
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