The purpose and function of the eppicard.
The eppicard system has been developed for people claiming monies from the state. It's was introduced some years ago and the main aim was to make for a smoother transaction process between the state and benefit receiver as well as eliminating checks.
If you receive child support then most likely you'll have an Eppicard issued by the state from where you live. The new, modern way, of receiving payments brings a refreshing time saving ease to the system. Uses include daily activities such as taking money from an ATM, paying for an online purchase or doing the weekly shop at the store. Another benefit is that the money is credited to your account automatically so you don't have to take your monthly check to the bank and then wait for the funds to clear. You can simply pick up your Eppicard and the funds will be present on the date you are due to receive them. The situation when this may not be the case would be if the payment is meant for a saturday or sunday for which the funds would be credited on the next Monday.
What process is involved to apply for an Eppicard?
It's easy. Completing an application requires you to head over to the states welfare office from which you will be given the relevant forms to fill out. Once the application is filed you just have to wait and see if they grant you the eppicard you have asked for. Assuming you get your application approved then you can expect to see your Eppicard arrive via the mail in short time which is usually no longer than 10 working days.
Additional eppicard resources
For each state they have their own representation and terms for the eppicard along with a corresponding website access point. If you aren't sure of your states web url then you'll easily locate it with Google. Alternatively you can find details on our website, eppicard support. Using these portals are good for checking your balance, looking at the various charges that your state may apply when using your card for certain transactions and also keeping an eye on any updates happening in the eppicard arena.
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