12 February 2015

Top Money Saving Tips For Moms

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Top Money Saving Tips For Moms

No matter what your current economic situation, it's important to know how to save money. In addition to safeguarding you when hard times hit, frugal practices are often better for the environment. Here are ten tips to get you started on the frugal path.
Buy used
If it's not a safety hazard to do so, you should buy things used as often as possible. One great example is children's clothes. You can save a lot of money if you buy your kids clothes used instead of new. They're going to outgrow the clothes in a few months anyway and since kids wear out their things so fast, it doesn't make much sense to buy new.
Cheap is good, free is better
Sometimes people give perfectly good things away. Check Craigslist and Freecycle regularly to see what free things you can find. There's no better price than free! This is another way to keep good products out of the landfills.
Careful coupon use
Coupons can be an effective way to save money if you're judicious. Always compare prices - sometimes a store special or generic is cheaper than using a coupon. You can also find printable coupons and coupon codes online. Search for coupons or discount codes on various products before buying. You would be amazed at the results search engines will show up.
Eat at home
Eating out is expensive and typically less healthy than homecooked food. We're most tempted to eat out when we're tired or disorganized so be sure to plan ahead. Spend a little time each week meal planning so you always know "what's for dinner". Cook double on some nights so you can reheat leftovers. Keep a repertoire of quick and easy meals that you can throw together in minutes.
Develop a hand me down system
You probably have nieces and nephews that are older than your kids and friends with kids that are younger than yours. You could all form a coop whereby the oldest kids pass down their clothes to the younger ones. This way everyone saves money on kid's clothes. Try organizing a swap meet in your living room.
Buy out of season
Most stores start running clearance sales when the seasons are changing. This is the best time to buy clothes. So buy your summer clothes in the winter and your winter clothes in the spring. If you're buying clothes for kids, buy them a few sizes too big so the clothes will fit your kids the next year.
Make it yourself
Even if you don't know how to sew, you have another way to save money. There are thousands of recipes online for homemade beauty products, spice mixes, baking mixes, health remedies, even cleaning products. You can also check out fantastic books at the library with all kinds of do it yourself recipes.
Search online for bartering opportunities at bartering sites and places like Craigslist. Instead of spending your cash, you can trade a service or something else of value.
Frequent yard sales
Usually when people hold yard sales, they are trying to get rid of their stuff quick and get cash. This is a good opportunity to haggle and get good deals on the things that you need for your family for pennies on the dollar. The trick with yard sales is to be organized, since the availability of items is unpredictable. You might have to buy things ahead of time that you store for awhile. Try to anticipate what your family will need in the upcoming seasons and keep running lists in your purse so you can remind yourself quickly. You can even partner up with a yard sale buddy. If you need a bread machine and your friend needs a new printer, you can scout for each other.
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